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Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Where's George Week in Review: 10/21/12 - 10/27/12

In the past week, I received 29 hits in 8 States [AZ2, CA17, IL2, MD, NE2, NM, NV, WA3]. I still have hits in 44 States in 2012 with none added this week. Additionally I now have hits in 472 counties with 2 new this week: Morgan IL, Washington NE.

Of those 29 hits, 2 were the 3rd hit on the bill, 2 were the 2nd hit on the bill, and the rest (25) were the initial hit on the bill. The longest bill active from the bunch was re-entered 3 Years 346 Days 6 Hours 55 Minutes after I originally entered it. That bill is currently my 7th longest active.


Adding all seven days from this week increases my hit streak to 21 days.

Taking a look at how my predictions regarding bill entries and hits are going so far, it was another good week for all three stats:

 SoYStart of YearSoWStart of WeekEoWEnd of WeekWeek Change:
Number Added this Week
Year Change:
Number Added this Year
PPrediction (for Year)P/WPrediction for Week:
A Week's Share of the Total
PtDPrediction to Date:
The Portion of the Prediction that should be Completed so Far
WvPWeek versus Prediction:
How the Week's Numbers Stack Up Against the P/W
DvPDate versus Prediction:
How the Year's Numbers So Far Stack Up Against the PtD
Bills Entered16720219302205712753372172095.620832+31+1225
Bills with Hits243034613486251056344519.43265+6+221
Total Hits279940324061291262403023.53811+5+250

Based on the goal of 5000 bill entries, here's how I'm doing towards my bill entry goals. Starting off with my goal of increasing the percentage that $1s make up of my entries by 1% (started the year at 86.29% so the goal is 87.29%), my percentage is now 87.44% [+1.15%].

 SoYStart of YearSoWStart of WeekEoWEnd of WeekWeek Change:
Number Added this Week
Year Change:
Number Added this Year
Number of Total Ones Needed by the End of the Year Based on the Prediction of 5000 Bill Entries This Year
GfWGoal for Week:
This Week's Portion of the Goal Based on the Number of Bills Entered in the Week
GtDGoal to Date:
The Numbers of One Needed to be Entered so Far this Year to be on Track to Met the Overall Goal
WvGWeek versus Goal:
How the Week's Numbers Stack Up Against the GfW
DvGDate versus Goal:
How the Year's Numbers So Far Stack Up Against the GtD
$1s Entered144271916419286122485918959115.119264+7+22
Dynamic GoalProgress towards the goal based on my actual rate of entering bills per day which would result in 6490 entries this year rather than 500020259114.119223+8+63

As for the goal of having series 2009 pass series 2003A in number of entries, 2009 continues to add greatly to its lead:

 SoYStart of YearSoWStart of WeekEoWEnd of WeekWeek Change:
Number Added this Week
Year Change:
Number Added this Year
  Week Change:
Number Added this Week
Year Change:
Number Added this Year
WvGWeek versus Goal:
How the Actual WΔ Stacks Up Against the Goal WΔ
DvGDate versus Goal:
How the Actual YΔ Stacks Up Against the Goal YΔ
2003A3603384638526249GoalNumber of Entries Needed Per Timeframe to Stay on Pace for the Year Based on the Predicted Amount of 5000 Bills Entered582418+7+596

And for my goal of decreasing San Francisco "L" FRB entries below 50.0% while increasing Boston "A", Cleveland "D", St Louis "H", Philadelphia "C", Minneapolis "I", and Kansas City "J", there wasn't a lot of change this week, but five of the seven slightly moved in the wrong direction:

 SoYStart of YearSoY%Percentage of Overall at Start of YearSoWStart of WeekSoW%Percentage of Overall at Start of WeekEoWEnd of WeekEoW%Percentage of Overall at End of WeekGoalGoal PercentageGtDGoal to Date:
The Numbers Needed to be Entered so Far this Year to be on Track to Met the Overall Goal
DvGDate versus Goal:
How the Year's Numbers So Far Stack Up Against the GtD
San Francisco "L"853251.03%1047947.78%1054347.80%< 50.0%49.94%11002+459
Boston "A"4612.76%7523.43%7583.44%> 2.8%2.85%631+127
Cleveland "D"3952.36%7753.53%7773.52%> 2.4%2.45%542+235
St. Louis "H"3822.28%7103.24%7143.24%> 2.3%2.35%520+194
Philadelphia "C"3762.25%6362.90%6372.89%> 2.2%2.25%497+140
Minneapolis "I"3522.11%5942.71%5952.70%> 2.1%2.15%475+120
Kansas City "J"2901.73%5482.50%5502.49%> 1.7%1.75%387+163

It was a respectable week of hits. While October won't challenge the record for most hits in a month, it's now unlikely to end at as the worst month for hits in 2012.

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