In the past week, I received 26 hits in 5 States [AZ2, CA20, NC, NV2, WA]. I still have hits in 44 States in 2012 with none added this week. Additionally I now have hits in 479 counties with none new this week.
Of those 26 hits, 1 was the 3rd hit on the bill, 7 were the 2nd hit on the bill, and the rest (18) were the initial hit on the bill. The longest bill active from the bunch was re-entered 2 Years 279 Days 12 Hours 41 Minutes after I originally entered it.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 3 |
For the tenth week in a row, I received a hit every day of the week extending my hit streak to 70 days. I'm now 11 days away from tying my longest all-time hit streak, but it's going to be tough as we're in the final days of the Christmas shopping season (although bills will change hands often, lots of people will be too busy to enter the bills on Where's George) as well as needing hits through the holiday itself. I have not made it through the later half of December without getting at least one hit-less day since I started Georging. Hopefully this year will be the year!
Taking a look at how my predictions regarding bill entries and hits are going so far, it was an on target week for hits and slightly above target for entries. I'm now a bill shy of having entered 6000 bills in 2012:
SoYStart of Year | SoWStart of Week | EoWEnd of Week | WΔWeek Change: Number Added this Week | YΔYear Change: Number Added this Year | PPrediction (for Year) | P/WPrediction for Week: A Week's Share of the Total | PtDPrediction to Date: The Portion of the Prediction that should be Completed so Far | WvPWeek versus Prediction: How the Week's Numbers Stack Up Against the P/W | DvPDate versus Prediction: How the Year's Numbers So Far Stack Up Against the PtD | |
Bills Entered | 16720 | 22612 | 22719 | 107 | 5999 | 21720 | 95.6 | 21501 | +11 | +1218 |
Bills with Hits | 2430 | 3637 | 3655 | 18 | 1225 | 3445 | 19.4 | 3401 | -1 | +254 |
Total Hits | 2799 | 4244 | 4270 | 26 | 1471 | 4030 | 23.5 | 3976 | +2 | +294 |
Based on the goal of 5000 bill entries, here's how I'm doing towards my bill entry goals. Starting off with my goal of increasing the percentage that $1s make up of my entries by 1% (started the year at 86.29% so the goal is 87.29%), my percentage is now 87.60% [+1.31%]. It was a bit of a rough week for ones, but it'll be a while before I need to enter a lot of non-ones:
As for the goal of having series 2009 pass series 2003A in number of entries, this goal has long been completed. My recent entries have contained more 2006s/2003As than usual. I'm just 18 bills away from entering my 5000th 2009.
And for my goal of decreasing San Francisco "L" FRB entries below 50.0% while increasing Boston "A", Cleveland "D", St Louis "H", Philadelphia "C", Minneapolis "I", and Kansas City "J", all held steady or improved except for Philadelphia and Kansas City:
SoYStart of Year | SoY%Percentage of Overall at Start of Year | SoWStart of Week | SoW%Percentage of Overall at Start of Week | EoWEnd of Week | EoW%Percentage of Overall at End of Week | GoalGoal Percentage | GtDGoal to Date: The Numbers Needed to be Entered so Far this Year to be on Track to Met the Overall Goal | DvGDate versus Goal: How the Year's Numbers So Far Stack Up Against the GtD | ||
San Francisco "L" | 8532 | 51.03% | 10824 | 47.87% | 10870 | 47.85% | < 50.0% | 49.94% | 11308 | +438 |
Boston "A" | 461 | 2.76% | 772 | 3.41% | 774 | 3.41% | > 2.8% | 2.85% | 652 | +122 |
Cleveland "D" | 395 | 2.36% | 803 | 3.55% | 806 | 3.55% | > 2.4% | 2.45% | 561 | +245 |
St. Louis "H" | 382 | 2.28% | 729 | 3.22% | 734 | 3.23% | > 2.3% | 2.35% | 537 | +197 |
Philadelphia "C" | 376 | 2.25% | 648 | 2.87% | 649 | 2.86% | > 2.2% | 2.25% | 512 | +137 |
Minneapolis "I" | 352 | 2.11% | 600 | 2.65% | 602 | 2.65% | > 2.1% | 2.15% | 490 | +112 |
Kansas City "J" | 290 | 1.73% | 557 | 2.46% | 557 | 2.45% | > 1.7% | 1.75% | 399 | +158 |
It was definitely a quieter week in regards to hits than last, but December is currently on pace to finish near November (130) in total hits.
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