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Monday, April 8, 2013

The Week That Was: Weight Management & Running

Another week down, and the after-effects of Easter weren't really realized. I guess one can over-indulge every once in a while.

Starting off with Weight Management, I had my first "over" week of the year mostly due to a decrease in exercise. I only burned 1785 and ended 88 calories over budget for the week (ok, not really that much over). Subtract that surplus from my expected ½ pound a week loss, and you'd still expect that I'd lose 0.5 pounds. Here's my actual results:

AvgMinMaxLastAvg H20Avg Fat

Well, I dropped the expected half pound, but I lost more than that in water weight (and gained fat weight if you believe my scale). This could affect next week's results. On the plus side, I hit a new low for the year which is always good encouragement.

Moving onto running, I took the week off to rest up for the Credit Union SacTown Ten Mile Run as I was started to have some lingering soreness in various parts of my legs. Here's my mileage for the "week":

Total Mileage: 10.12

The rest helped me beat my goal for the run, but had me short of my weekly mileage goal:

Miles RanShort of Goal16 Mile GoalMiles to Max

And here's a look at my progress towards my goal of 800 miles ran this year:

PreviousThis Week800 Miles1000 Miles

I've completed 257.78 miles so far this year and am on track to complete 970 miles in 2013. Not sure how much I'll run this week either as I might be a bit more cautious about ramping back up especially since I don't plan on doing another race until the end of June (although I might try to pick up a run in May if possible).

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