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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Four Bridges Half Marathon Training: Week Three

I am now halfway through my training (week zero through week seven) for the Four Bridges Half Marathon. So far, so good. But the next four weeks will be tougher than these last four, and a couple of tennis matches will make things even more difficult (at least schedule-wise). I wouldn't be surprised if I don't hit planned mileage in all of the next four weeks.

With that said, here's my weekly mileage compared to the Four Bridges training plan:

Sep 24Sep 25Sep 26Sep 27Sep 28Sep 29Sep 30
4BHM Plan6.03.0 
Actual6.503.354.603.35 6.11 

Plan Mileage: 22.0
Actual Mileage: 23.91

I rearranged the schedule to allow for a day of rest before Run for Courage on Saturday. If you saw my post about that race, you'll know that the day of rest (and my half marathon training, majorly paid off.

We'll see how fatigued my legs/body are after the race on Monday when I start "Week Four" of training. Speaking of which, here's what's recommended by Four Bridges:


Plan Mileage: 24.0

Since I have tennis on Thursday, I'll be moving a run to Wednesday. My long run last week was 7.75, so I'll probably target 9 on Saturday rather than 8. I'd like to have Friday to rest, so I'm thinking that I'll move the remaining two miles from the planned Friday run (the first going to Saturday) to the other days targeting 6.5 on Monday, 3.5 on Tuesday, and 5 on Wednesday.

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