In May, I set new records for bills entered (730) and hits (160). The hits record was 21 (!) hits more than the record I had just set in April. Craziness! I averaged over 5 hits a day in May, but I had only average over 4 in three previous months. Hopefully this isn't a sign that I'm overdue for a nasty slump (knock on wood!).
- Predictions
- 13.66 Bills Entered Per Day
- I entered 730 bills in May for an average of 23.55 bills per day. This puts the yearly total to 2573 and raises the daily average to 16.93. To hit this goal, I'll just have to average 11.34 for the rest of the year. Since I'm well ahead on this goal, and it appears that I'm easily going to surpass this goal, I now predict I'll enter 5500 bills this year. The predictions below will be based on this updated number.
- 1231 Hits in 2012 / 4030 Overall Hits
- I got 160 hits in May bringing the yearly total to 667 which is ahead of where I need to be for my 2012 goal. Including the new data from May, the hit prediction program from the original prediction post calculated that I'd get 805 more hits in 2012. That would result in 1472 hits in 2012 and 4271 overall. My expected slugging percentage drops to 19.22% (up 0.29%) from last month.
- 1015 Additional Bills with Hits in 2012 / 3445 Overall Bills with Hits
- Of the 160 hits, 133 were the initial hit on a bill putting my additional bills with hits in 2012 at 557. Using the output from the prediction program and Excel, I obtained a calculation of 655 more bills with hits. That would result in 1212 in 2012 and 3642 overall. That would put my expected hit rate at 16.39% (up 0.20% from last month).
- State Bingo Completion
- I got a hit in Mississippi in May leaving just West Virginia to go.
- One Additional California County Hit in 2012 / 53 Counties Hit Overall
- I got a hit in Del Norte in May, and so this prediction is now fulfilled.
- 17 Additional FRB Bingos / 57 FRB Bingos Overall
- I completed 2 additional FRB bingos in May to put my total to 52. That puts me on pace for 23 in the year which is ahead of where I need to be. With the bills I'm inserting, this one should be a slam dunk.
- No More Than 13 Hitless Days
- I had my third hitless day in May. Three hitless days in five months puts me ahead of where I need to be for this prediction, however, I've gotten one in each of the last three months.
- 80+ Day Hit Streak
- Already completed (81 day streak). Current streak is at 9 days.
- Goals
- National Rank Under 1000 in November & December
- I finished the month in the mid 800s and was never higher than 945. This is looking like a slam dunk. On a slightly depressing note, the number of active users appears to be dropping again.
- State Rank Under 75
- I spent most of the month in the mid 70s with a few spells near 70 and 80. I'm feeling more comfortable about completing this one.
- $1s Making Up >87.29% of All Entries
- I ended the month at 86.94% which puts me nearly two-thirds of the way to this goal. I'm still thinking this one should be a slam dunk.
- More Series 2009 Entries Than 2003A
- Lots of progress was made toward this in March, and 2003A's lead is now under 1000. I'm still ahead of pace for this one, and that pace is increasing. This one should be accomplished in roughly 3 months.
- Decrease San Francisco "L" FRB Bills Below 50%
- The San Francisco percentage is now down to 49.1%. I think it will continue to decrease as my insertion rate is high, and then the key will be whether or not it stays below.
- Increase Percentage of Boston "A", Cleveland "D", St. Louis "H", Philadelphia "C", Minneapolis "I", and Kansas City "J" FRB Bills
- All but Minneapolis are currently above the desired percentage. I'm now inserting "I" bills, so in a month or so, Minneapolis should also be above.
- 30 Zip Codes with 25+ Entries
- Still no progress. This one may be harder than I expected to complete.
- Wishes
- 5 Hit Bill
- No five hit bill yet.
- New Record Month for Hits
- Completed in January. Broken in March. Broken again in April. Broken once more in May. New record is 160 hits.
- Surpass 500 2006 L-L $1 Entries
- I entered 6 of these in May putting my total at 505 which surpasses the goal.
- Surpass 400 Entries with one 2009 FRB/Block Combo and 300 with Another
- My top 2009 block is LG with 304 entries with 16 entered in May and 139 total in 2012. If I continue to enter LGs at this pace, it will get to 400. Not sure how likely this pace is to continue. LB is second with 290 (11 in May, 55 in 2012). LB should hit 300. Third is LF with 263 (15 in May, 68 in 2012). LF should also hit 300. No other series 2009 FRB/block combo has reached 200 entries.
- Complete Non-Star Portions of Series 2003A and 2006 $1 Bingo
- No new spots marked off in May, so I still have 6 more spots to go for each bingo and haven't crossed off a spot on 2003A all year. This one is not going to happen.
- 4+ Year Active Bill
- Still not close to getting one of these although #3 and #5 on my longest active list were hit in May. I still think the best chance for this in the in last quarter of the year.
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