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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Where's George Goals for 2012

Now that I've laid out my predictions for my Georging, it's time to move on to making some goals. My plan is to stick to goals that I can directly affect.

My first goal is a carryover from the predictions: entering an additional 5000 bills in 2012. That's an average of just over 416 bills a month (13⅔ a day). I surpassed that in the last six months of 2011, but only passed it twice in the first six months. I think a few things will make this challenging: different vacation plans this year compared to last and losing an "enabler" (she's now entering her own bills).

The second goal is to move up by rank both nationally and in California. Nationally, I'd like to become one of the top 1000 Georgers based on George Score. For the past month, I've bounced between 1025 and 1075 mostly on the upper end. To meet this goal, I'd like my rank to be no worse than 1000 in November and December. Additionally, I want my California rank to finish at 75 or better. I currently tend to be in the low 90s (occasionally dipping into the upper 80s). I think I'm "gaining" George Score points faster than many of those immediately in front of me. Based on my predictions, I'd end the year with a score above 1145. If I had that score today, I'd be in the upper 50s.

The third goal is based around the bills that I enter. First off, I'd like to continue the trend of entering more and more $1s. $1s currently make up 86.29% of my entries. I'd like to up that a full percentage. Secondly, I want series 2009 to move into second (behind 2006) overtaking 2003A. Currently 2003A leads 2009 by 3603 bills to 1339. Finally, I want to decrease the percentage of bills FRB L (San Francisco) makes up of my total to below 50% (currently at 51.0%) while increasing the percentage of each of the bottom six: Boston "A" (2.8%), Cleveland "D" (2.4%), St. Louis "H" (2.3%), Philadelphia "C" (2.2%), Minneapolis "I" (2.1%), and Kansas City "J" (1.7%). This third goal may require that I go out and "purchase" some BEP straps of the desired FRB. I didn't use to be open to that idea, but I thought I'd try it out and see how it goes.

My final goal is in regards to entry locations. I've entered bills in 50 different zip codes. Of those, I've entered 25+ in 22 zips. To encourage traveling and Georging, I'd like to see that number increase to 30 by the end of the year.

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